Valley Friends Meeting is an active Quaker meeting near Harrisonburg, serving the Harrisonburg-Rockingham area of Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. We cherish the Light within every person and work for peace. Children are welcome and encouraged to attend.
We warmly invite you to join us for Quaker Meeting for Worship each First Day (Sunday) from 10-11 AM.
The Way Friends Worship
In worship, Friends gather in silent, expectant waiting. When someone feels led to share a message, it is received in the gathered silence. We listen deeply to the Spirit and to each other and reach for the Divine center of our being.
“We are met in a great task when we meet in worship, no less than to realize the Divine Presence and to create an atmosphere in which that Presence and Power can touch us into fuller life.
“Once we remember this, we cannot but approach the occasion with reverent humility and the desire that nothing on our part may hinder or disturb.
“It is something holy and wonderful we are trying to build up together—the consciousness of the Presence with us here and the reality of communion with God.”
—Quaker Press of FGC
Contact Us
Get directions or contact us for more information.
Check us out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valleyquakers/
We keep in touch with our community with our email newsletter. You can sign up above, in the right-hand column. For more information, email hello@valleyfriends.org.
Weather or Other Cancellations
When we must cancel Meeting or other VFM events due to weather conditions (or for any reason), we will send an email notice in as far advance as possible. If a notice has not been received, but conditions are questionable, call Doris Martin (540-350-2765); Bev Moore (540-560-1190); or Pamela Cook (540-236-4818) to confirm last minute change in status.
What to Wear
Those who attend our meeting feel comfortable wearing whatever they choose. Some dress up; some wear jeans. All are welcome. Most attenders currently do not wear masks for health protection, but if you want to wear one, we encourage you to do what’s best for you.
Call for Healing and Justice
Read our Anti-Racism Minute issued in response to the killing of George Floyd. You can read all our testimonies and minutes here.
Quaker Quote
“I believe there is something in the mind, or in the heart, that shows its approbation when we do right. I give myself this advice: Do not fear truth, let it be so contrary to inclination and feeling. Never give up the search after it: and let me take courage, and try from the bottom of my heart to do that which I believe truth dictates, if it leads me to be a Quaker or not.”
~ Elizabeth Fry, 1780-1845